IT Security threats emerge daily, and no company or organization is too small to attract the attention of bad actors. In fact, small businesses are prime targets precisely because so many of them assume that they’re safe and are not prepared to repel or recover from an attack. If your notions of network security begin and end with “firewalls,” we have bad news for you. Malware often enters right through the virtual front door, via legitimate-looking emails. Or it wiggles in through a weakness in unpatched software. It can even catch a ride on an employee’s poorly secured personal device.

Be prepared. Novel threats emerge daily.

Whatever the method of entry, malware like ransomware can shut your network down in a heartbeat. Even worse, however, is malware that lurks quietly for a while, siphoning confidential data from your network before springing its trap.

BrightWire Networks deploys an array of defenses, including staff training, against these and other threats. And because no security strategy is foolproof, we help you prepare to regain control of your network, recover lost data and resume operations quickly.