In manufacturing, downtime is unacceptable. Installing and maintaining these networks requires special expertise.
CLIENT: Manufacturer of vehicle safety accessories
Our first project with this company was helping it transition from AS/400 to Infor’s manufacturing ERP VISUAL. Later, when it was time to upgrade, we spent a lot of time understanding every aspect of how the company uses the software, then identifying a VISUAL value-added reseller (VAR) that could and would take on the job, as Infor requires. The search took us all the way to an Infor conference, to learn more about its processes. After finding the right VAR, BWN managed the infrastructure and the client relationship, spending many late nights on site to complete the transition. But it was out meticulous documenting of the client’s needs at the outset that made it possible.
CLIENT: Indoor growing facility
CHALLENGE: High-speed wireless access throughout
This client needed 150 mbps connection speed in every corner of its half-million-square-foot facility. In addition to the size, we also had to contend with extensive overhead lighting, which interferes with data flow. (Manufacturing equipment does too.) We worked closely with the WiFi vendor on a survey of the entire site, and with electricians on the wiring. There are no dead zones anywhere in the building, and connection speeds often exceed 150 mbps.
CLIENT: Door manufacturer
CHALLENGE: Helping client hire for on-site IT
This client wanted co-managed IT service but had never hired its own on-site IT staffer. We helped the client’s HR team vet applicants, then participated in interviews with finalists. But that process did not yield a suitable candidate. So we then used our own hiring process, which has been extensively refined over the years, to identify an internal candidate who could step into the role with training from BWN.