Gordon Carlisle
Partner - CTODriven, Evolving, Intense
After his wife Cary and daughter Olivia, and “making a crappy day better for clients,” Gordo is most passionate about outdoor sports — hiking, mountain biking and, most recently, surfing. (“Anything that’s outside and involves some level of suffering.”) He’s also an advocate for building and maintaining hiking and biking trails for everyone. An avid traveler, he’ll go “anyplace I’ve never been to before, and the farther away from tourism, the better.” Bucket list includes exploring Ecuador and climbing Kilimanjaro.

Todd Whitley
Partner - CEOOptimistic, Persistent
“Whit” shares a home with his wife of 25 years and their five kids, three cats and a dog. (“I was once told that I thrive on chaos.”) Family supports charities that work to alleviate poverty and promote education. Entrepreneur since age 8, when he delivered newspapers. Good disc golfer, bad regular golfer, also enjoys hiking, skiing and SCUBA diving. Travel highlights include Grand Canyon and Wallace, Idaho, “the Center of the Universe!” (“Google it!”). Travel goals include Hawaii and Alaska.

Jordan Schmitz
Director of Service DeliveryHungry, Optimist, Father
“Schmitty” enjoys sports, gaming, motorcycles, photography. Supporter of organizations promoting cancer awareness and research.

Micah Sisson
Service Delivery ManagerREALIST, STEADY, RELIABLE
Enjoys music, video games, cooking and spending time with friends. Admires Captain Jean-Luc Picard: “He has to balance the challenges of people and technology, just like we do.”

Project CoordinatorEmpathetic, reliable, jokester
Gamer, model builder, hiker, hockey fan. Supporter of Child’s Play, a game-industry charity bringing fun to children’s hospitals. Vacation spots: “Cancun for relaxing, Vegas for fun.” Goal: Canary Islands.

Jr. Project EngineerGuitarist, gamer, traveler
First job: deli clerk. Favorite place to visit: Japan. Admires: “My Dad, who strives to excel at everything.” Bucket list: Visit Europe.

Help Desk TechCurious, Optimistic, and Empathetic
First job: Shopping cart collection specialist. Expert baker Supporter of Cancer Research Institute Bucket List: Traveling to Japan and South Korea

Client Account ManagerHusband, father, gamer
Loves visiting Europe, wants to get to Japan next. Supports Cheetah Experience, a South Africa non-profit that houses and cares for animals from endangered species.

Help Desk TechStraightforward, Gregarious, Sci-Fi Enthusiast
Interests outside of work: Casual Gaming, Cast Iron cooking, target shooting, adventuring around the state (travelling too), Beer/Whiskey aficionado, Home Improvement engineering and building.

Help Desk TechCurious, Tinkerer, Caring
Loves reading, playing games, and hiking. Supporter of Citizen’s Climate Lobby. Bucket List: Explore the world via a high-speed trains
Flield TechGoal-oriented, introverted-extrovert, hobbyist programmer
First job – Dishwasher Interest include running, voiceover, and narration, tabletop games Bucket List – Learn to ride a motorcycle

Project EngineerSpontaneous, optimistic, inventive
Army veteran who served in Middle East and supports organizations for fellow vets. Woodworking and BBQ enthusiast. Favorite places to visit: Disneyland and Banff.

Help Desk TechHome Brewer, Nerd, Dad
Next on bucket list: To hike twice across the Olympic Peninsula; first from South to North, then from West to East.

Help Desk TechSteady, Reliable, Personable
A jack-of-all-trades who likes painting miniatures and spending time in the mountains. Bucket List: Climb Mount Rainier

Help Desk TechNerdy, Relaxed, Friendly
Fitting in travel to new places between gaming and cooking, Dane also likes to keep busy with home improvement projects, so he has an excuse to buy new power tools. Supports NPR and admires Alan Turing for laying the groundwork for modern computers.

Project EngineerIntrospective, obstinate, circumspect
Enjoys sports and “stereotypical nerd hobbies: D&D, Magic the Gathering, comic books, board games, heavy metal.” First job was as a “Picasso of sandwich making” for Subway.

Help Desk TechNerd, Film Buff, Student of IT
“Grizz” loves Dungeons & Dragons, bar trivia and the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Supporter of Awesome Games Done Quick (AGDQ), which raises money for cancer research and other causes. Goals include taking an Alaskan cruise

Service CoordinatorWorld-Traveler, Optimistic, Dad
“Miller” loves traveling, woodworking, and cooking. Supporter of veterans and their families. Bucket List: Taking his wife on vacation without the kids.

PurchaserDedicated, Mindful, Kind
Interests: Snow Boarding, Long Boarding, Figure Skating, Weightlifting.
Next on bucket list: Vacation at Lake Crescent.

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BrightWire TeamMotivated, Helpful, Problem Solver
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